
3 Healthy Ways to Manage Frustration In 2024

  In my shame, I sought to honestly address what frustrated me and to find ways to manage and change. Self-awareness plus practical solutions have brought me more emotional balance ever since. How? I worked hard to become patient, adjust my expectations, and respond reasonably when angry.   In the process, I learned these 3 healthy ways to manage frustration. 1. Exercise Regularly How a man expresses frustration can get out of hand if he doesn’t have proper outlets of release. Many men struggle to talk it out. If you are like me, you want to break something when you’re frustrated. But at times like those, if we channel our energy into exercise, we find ourselves in a win-win situation. The built-up frustration is released constructively and our general health improves. 2. Change Your Expectations It has been said that “expectation is the mother of all frustration.” We need to manage our expectations so they are grounded in reality. This applies to our marriages, our children, our caree

3 Things You Must Do After Yelling at Your Kids In 2024

  When we yell, our kids may feel like we don’t understand them or that we’re being unfair, or they might feel guilty and think we view them differently because of their mistakes. So when we yell, it’s crucial to manage the aftermath in a way that shows our kids that we’ll always love and support them, no matter the mistake.   Here are 3 things to do after you’ve yelled at your kids. 1. Tell them you love them. Your children know you love them—and they love you. However, after yelling at kids, both sides may question the other’s feelings. It’s important after yelling to reaffirm to your child that you love him or her. In many situations, it’s probably a good idea to wait until emotions have calmed down so your kid can hear you with a more open heart. 2. Show them you love them. This might be as simple as walking into your kid’s room, giving him or her a hug, and walking away without saying a word. Or it might be related to the reason you disciplined your child. For example, if your kid

3 Ways Dads Cause Family Tension In 2024

  Are you creating family tension in your house? Our kids’ emotional well-being is largely determined by us. Our temperament, character, and behavior can provide kids with a sense of security or a world of internal chaos and turbulence. If it’s the latter, it can cause significant emotional and psychological damage. That’s why we need to work to establish stability by avoiding that type of behavior.   Here are 3 ways dads cause family tension. 1. Volatility The other day, my son left his socks in the living room after I told him to pick them up. When I had to remind him, he anxiously said, “Oh, no! Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!” as he ran past me to the living room to pick them up. Yes, he said sorry five times. His reaction was shocking to me. I wasn’t mad and had spoken calmly the whole time. It made me think back to all the times I yelled or spoke harshly to him for similar things. It’s made me wonder how much anxiety I have caused him. Is he afraid of how I’ll react? When our

3 Things as a Dad You Can Manage In 2024

  There are lot of things a dad can’t control, and we have to accept it. However, there are some things you can control in your life as a dad, and you absolutely should.   Here are 3 things you can control in your life as a dad. 1. Your Time Cell phones have given us the opportunity to work from anywhere at anytime. We also have access to sports, movies, and TV whenever we want, but if we let these things control our time, we won’t be able to spend it with whomever matters most: our families. My biggest fear is when my two sons grow up, I reach out to them wanting to hang out and they tell me that they are too busy. If you want to avoid being the dad in the song “Cats in the Cradle” by Harry Chapin, start carving out time for your family now and be present in their lives while you have all of them in your house. 2. Your Temper The obvious thing that comes to mind is not swearing or being physical, but that should be a given. As men we need to be way better than that. What I am talking

4 Perfect Date Ideas for Dads and Daughters In 2024

 Your daughter is happy. Her first love goes on a date. She doesn't feel insecure because she is aware of her date's unconditional affection for her. He has been a part of her life forever. He is enjoyable, dependable, and faithful. A knock on the door is heard. Your heart melts when she opens the door, sees her date, and grins, saying, "Hello, Daddy." 1. Do Her Favorite Thing. Figure out her favorite activity, game, or sport. A date can be as simple as playing “horse” if she loves basketball or sitting at a park table making crafts. 2. Go on a Picnic. Pack her favorite foods, particularly dessert. Make a playlist of her favorite songs. Find a great field and put down a comfortable blanket. After eating, read to her or lay down and play cloud shapes. 3. Paint Pottery. This gives you the opportunity to be creative and come away with something tangible to remember your time together. 4. Go to a Carnival/Festival. A corn-dog, funnel cake, cotton candy, and your daughter

3 Things You Must Protect Your Daughter From In 2024

 Cross-culturally, a father's instinct is to safeguard his daughter. To be honest, our daughters look to us for stability regardless of our parenting style. It's not a sentiment that dates back. It's ingrained in our daughters' minds to see us dads as their guardians. Only a few of the risks are covered in this article. Don't give up because awareness and family communication are the keys to overcoming this obstacle. Maintain regular communication, be a reassuring and loving presence in your daughter's life, and make sure she understands how much you cherish her. 1. A Lack Of Identity It’s difficult to use our best judgment without being grounded. It’s dangerous to not know who you are. Let there be no doubt that your daughter knows both  who she is  and  whose she is . 2. Herself Certainly related to #1—we can be our own worst enemy when we don’t have a moral filter. It’s a mistake to assume kids will make the right decisions without coaching. That’s what famil

4 Ways to Raise Daughters That People Will Respect In 2024

  In August 2011, the Iowa West girls High School Volleyball team was getting ready to start a new season after winning a state championship the year before. The team was led by their All-State setter, a 5-foot, 8-inch ball of joy named Caroline Found. Nicknamed “Line” or “Liner,” Caroline had an infectious zest for life. She made teammates better athletes on the court, but also lifted people’s spirits off the court. Everyone loved Line because she loved them first. There were even times when a match was about to start and her coach couldn’t find her because she was off talking to members of other teams. Her story and the story of the West girls volleyball team is told in a great movie called  The Miracle Season. 1. Teach Her to Put Others First “There are many lonely people in the world just waiting for someone to invite them into the group.” There are too many people in this world who think of themselves first. Challenge your daughter to be different. Teach her to think of others bef