The Hot Guy Manual: 6 Rules to Follow to Find Hotness In 2024

 If you want to be hot in the eyes of girls, then you have to follow some specific “hot” rules. To get the girl of your dreams, you don’t have to daydream; you just have to do the following things to make yourself attractive to us.

1. Wear Khakis

It isn’t that we don’t like your faded jeans, it is just that sometimes we like something a little more formal. Wearing a nice pair of khaki pants with slit pockets and tapered bootlegs is a turn on to just about any girl there i

2. Play an Instrument

The good news is that it is never too late to learn to strum the guitar or run your fingers over the ivory keys. Playing an instrument will make you hot even if you are really not.

3. Be a Gentleman

There is nothing more attractive than a guy who is respectful to women. The hot guys are the ones who open the doors for us, pull out the chair for us, and order for us when we don’t know what to choose. No, chivalry is not dead; it is a much welcomed “hot factor.

4. Give Sports a Rest

It doesn’t make you cool to know all the latest sports stats to a girl. You are much hotter when you remember her middle name or her favorite color.

5. Wear Cologne

You don’t have to smell like an Abercrombie store, just a dab will do you. The key is to find something that isn’t cliche or that everyone else wears.

Go to the old school Grey Flannel or even Old Spice. There is a reason they have made it from generation to generation. 

6. Beard Smart

Thanks to trends set by shows like Duck Dynasty, beards have made quite the comeback. But here’s the thing: whether they’re hot or not really boils down to personal preference. Some of you might feel like a rebel sporting that facial hair, embracing a wild, untamed look. And for some, that works brilliantly.

However, it’s crucial to remember that it’s all about how you carry it. Confidence, remember, is key in the quest on how to be the hot guy. If a beard makes you feel like a million bucks, that’s great! But it’s equally cool to rock a clean-shaven look if that’s what makes you feel best.


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