Marrying Your Best Friend… Eventually

 The dream for many people is to marry their best friend. That’s the fairy tale marriage, one that brings together best friends in holy matrimony. The old adage is to be friends first before becoming lovers. And that successful marriages are built on friendship.

Be the friend you want your wife to be

“More often than not, what you give in marriage is what you will receive in return.”

When we teach our kids how to meet new people and develop friendships, we tell them to be friendly. If you are friendly, then you will attract other people who are friendly as well. The same principle applies to our marriages. More often than not, what you give in marriage is what you will receive in return.

If we want to be married to our best friend, we need to be the friend we want our wives to be. If we want our wives to listen to us, then we should listen to them. If we want our wives to put our needs first, then we should put their needs first. The list goes on and on. 

Focus on the intimacy in your marriage

Most couples really don’t know each other all that much when they first get married. I’ve heard it put this way. When you are dating, you are dating not each other, you are dating each other’s representative. Our “representatives” portray us in our best light — showing our good qualities, looks, and character traits. Our representatives work the few hours we spend together then in marriage we spend all day and every night together—when our “representatives” are not on duty. Finally, the representatives are no longer needed. That’s when all our glory is revealed. We share intimate things we’ve never shared with anyone else.


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