2 Ways to Make Your Kids’ Childhood Better Than Yours In 2024

 I don’t know about you—maybe you had a great childhood or a bad one. Whether you struggled as a kid or not, as a dad, you want to know how to give your child a better childhood. Here are 3 ways to make your kids’ childhood better than yours.

“What do you wish your dad had done, but he never did? Do that for your kids.”

1. By Picking Up Where Your Dad Left Off

What do you wish your dad had done, but he never did? Do that for your kids.  What did he start with you but never finish? Maybe there was a class project when you were a kid and your dad was too busy to help. So help your kids with theirs. Or start a fun project with your kids and finish it with them. Be involved in those seemingly small endeavors in your kids’ lives. You get to set the tone by building up your kids’ capacity to commit—and your commitment to them shows them their value.

2. By Providing What Your Dad Couldn’t

Maybe your dad was physically present but emotionally unavailable. Or maybe he was busy trying to make ends meet. As a result, there was something you needed that you didn’t get—and I know you want to give your kids what you didn’t have. Maybe it’s security or maybe it’s the freedom to have fun without worry. Many of us needed our dads to spend more time with us. Sadly, our desires often turn into a quest to give our kids everything we didn’t have, but it’s almost always focused on material things. Resist the urge to only provide more financially for your kids. Be sure you’re providing for your kids in other ways—the things they can’t buy.  Be interested in them. I travel a lot for work, so when I’m home, I need to be locked in and fully engaged. For me, this doesn’t happen unless I press in and love what my kids love, or at least show interest. Your dad didn’t need to be good at this in order for you to be good at doing it for your kids.


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